ONESIMUS Mentoring
The Process – Simple but Strong
Request a mentor through Onesimus
Fill out an application
A member of our assessment team will contact you while you are still in custody and you can discuss what you think will be most helpful to you upon release
Once a mentor is assigned you can start to work on a pre-release plan, through correspondence and visits
After you are released, commit to meet weekly with your mentor for six month, working through your “life plan”
Complete a simple, but in-depth, online application
You will be given our training manual, asked to attend an orientation meeting and connect with our mentor coordinator.
Thereafter, you will be assigned an inmate (men with men, women with women), given the inmate’s application and interview report
Through correspondence and visits, begin to connect with your mentee, and assist them with their pre-release plan
Upon release, commit to (1) meet weekly or connect by phone for six months, and (2) do an online report of weekly progress, about resources given, used or needed